Some projects examples by GTEX Inc. management team members :
Nucor Berkeley -Optimization EAF lining and energy saving 2008 -2011.
> Achievement : Nucor switched all 4 shells into new proposed EAF lining design.
CMC Mesa AZ USA -EAF Balanced lining / Start up 2009 -2011 (This is one of only three steel melt shop of its kind globally "Micro mill by Danieli").
> Achievement : Excellent start up refractory consumption within first 18 month
Nucor Hickman -Anode optimization for DC-EAF 2010-2012
ThyssenKrupp Calvert AL USA -A complete Melt shop and EAF Refractory package proposal for start-up 2012- Terminator XL project.
Nucor Yamato -EAF productivity improvement by optimization tapping performance- 2010
Gerdau Midlothian -Slag carry over optimization project through AMEPA system (project was presented through my RHI career).
Gerdau Knoxville TN-USA - Indirect bottom stirring system for EAF -2008
Arcelor Mittal Canada east Quebec -Terminator XL ( Automatic gunning and fettling machine )- Start up by end 2011
All following refractory cost per ton of steel projects (Gerdau MRM , Gerdau Fort smith , Gerdau Peter VA , Gerdau Beaumont , Nucor Auburn , Arcelor Mittal Steelton and AM Coatesville) this projects were in each shop to maximize EAF productivity and minimize refractory consumption.